current weather conditions onsite at Burra Motor Inn
S 33° 40′ 44.1″ E 138° 56′ 11″ 472 m Australia/Adelaide 25 seconds ago
Showery, bright intervals
Rise | Set | Daylight |
7:11 am | 7:35 pm | 12 hours, 23 minutes, 48 seconds |
Rise | Set | Phase |
7:34 pm | 6:52 am | Full Moon |
Outdoor | Trend | Dew Point |
19.0 °C | Stable | 14.2 °C |
Max | Min | Wind Chill |
21.2 °C | 18.3 °C | N/A |
Last hour | Today | Rate |
0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm/h |
Yesterday | Month | Year |
0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm |
UV Index | Trend | Max |
0.00 | Stable | 0.00 |
Solar Radiation | Trend | Max |
0 W/m² | Stable | 0 W/m² |
Direction | Strength | Gust |
32 ° | 0 km/h | 0 km/h |
Relative Humidity | Trend | Max / Min |
74 % | Stable | 74 % / 74 % |
Barometric | Trend | Min / Max |
1018.5 hPa | Stable | 1018.7 / 1016.4 |
Sea Level | Trend | Min / Max |
1022.5 hPa | Stable | 1022.7 / 1020.4 |
Cloud base | Chandler Burn Index (Fire Danger) |
600 m | Low |
The above readings provide a true and accurate representation of the relatively sheltered conditions onsite at the Burra Motor Inn.
Burra is set within a valley between several hills. You will often note a variance between readings from different stations in the area which can be attributed to the topology and it’s affect on weather conditions, wind and rainfall in particular (ie depending on what aspect of a hillside a given station is located, the direction in which the the weather system is moving etc).
Weather systems generally trend from the West. As they meet with the Ranges running from Burra up towards Mount Bryan, air is forced upwards generating orographic (topographic) rainfall. When the weather is coming from a North Westerly direction, winds tend to concentrate as they are forced down the valley running through Burra from the North West to the South East. When conditions are right, we can see periods of very heavy rainfall, particularly when we see convectional (thunderstorms) and/or cyclonic (frontal) rainfall as well.
Burra Motor Inn in situated alongside the tree lined Burra Creek and down off the roadside providing a well sheltered location. As a result, it is not uncommon for our station to record wind speeds much lower than that reported by nearby stations. We can also see higher rainfall than some other stations as we are located on what is usually the windward side of nearby elevations.
As a comparison, the Burra Community School is located on what tends to be the Leeward side of an elevation and will somteimes record lower rainfall.
Conversely, as the weather moves arounds the South Western side of the Bon Accord and Monster Mine areas it tends not to be as concentrated with a relatively flat elevation towards the West, hence it is not uncommon for both weather stations at Adchem in the North to report a lower rainfall.
To view the location topology, visit
The above are our own amateur theories and we are interested hearing what you think and welcome your comments.
Contact Us to share your thoughts..
Other Personal Weather Stations in and near the Goyder Region
To help provide an accurate overview of current weather in Burra and the Goyder Region, we have provided a list of nearby personal weather stations below.
Note, when viewing a station on Wunderground, click on the settings icon (cog) on the top right hand corner of the page and click °C to view metric readings. Similarly, when viewing a station on PWS Weather, you will need to click on ‘Metric’ in the toolbar.
When accessing Weatherlink, you would need to create an account to change between imperial and metric and see full details.
The UK Met Office, Weathercloud and Windy sites platforms should display the weather in the correct metric format.
Within Burra Township
Burra Motor Inn & Jumbucks Restaurant
on Wunderground
on PWS Weather
on Weatherlink
on UK Met Office
on Weathercloud
on Windy
Burra Community School
on Wunderground
on PWS Weather
on UK Met Office
on Weathercloud
on Windy
Jack’s PWS in Mitchell Flat, South Burra
on Wunderground
Adchem in North Burra has two personal weather stations.
Adchem on Weatherlink
Adchem ROEP on Weatherlink
Burra Region
There are several stations just out of Burra. Here are five we regularly refer to for local conditions. Searching the map on Weatherlink will review several other stations nearby.
Will Gebhardt is running three stations across their properties.
Broadview on Weatherlink (West of Burra)
Mokota on Weatherlink (Mount Bryan)
Kimbo on Weatherlink (Booborowie)
Wildotta, Sommerville (near the Spalding turnoff)
on Weatherlink
Pollville, Mount Bryan
on UK Met Office
St Dymphna in Booborowie
on Wunderground
North of Burra
North of Burra along the Barrier Highway, we found a station in both Whyte Yarcowie and Terowie
Restonvale, Whyte Yarcowie
on Wunderground
Old Terowie
on Wunderground
on Weathercloud
South of Burra
South of Burra there are several Weather stations, particularly through the region from Porters and Apoinga lagoons across to Robertstown.
Mortlock Research Station, Mintaro
on Wunderground
Black Springs
on Wunderground
on Weathercloud
on UK Met Office
on Wunderground
on Weatherlink
Emu Downs
on Weatherlink
Wool Brae, Brady Creek
on Wunderground
on Weathercloud
Burra Creek, Hallelujah Hills
on Weatherlink
Robertstown CFS
on Weatherlink
on UK Met Office
on Wunderground
East of Burra
East of Burra there are stations on Redcliffe Station and in Morgan.
Redcliffe Station
on Weatherlink
on UK Met Office
on Weatherlink
You will find several other personal weather stations when searching the maps or viewing the weather apps. For example, there are stations in Clare, Mintaro, Riverton, Eudunda, Jamestown, Peterborough, Black Springs, Orroroo, Yunta, and many more.
Historical Data & Statistics
Much of the historical data from our former page was lost when that service deteriorated. As we accumulate more data on our new PWS page, we will start displaying some stats for your reference. However, in the meantime, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) is a good place to start to see historical data (mostly based on Clare).
For data more specific to our area, the Burra Community School (BCS) has records going back as far as 31st March, 2014 loaded on to their site profile on UK Met Office. Or, visit for weather data sourced from BCS going back as far as 1961.
The BOM also publishes BCS data from time to time. The easiest way to find this is with a Google Search.