NewsStormy Weather near Mount Bryan

Weather at Burra Motor Inn & Jumbucks Restaurant

Sadly, our old weather page slowly succumbed to a slow and miserable death. Given the popularity of our last weather page, we have put together a new page to keep visitors informed about current local weather conditions.

In addition to the current weather conditions onsite at Burra Motor Inn, there are links to several other local personal weather stations so you can get a full overview of conditions throughout Burra and the Goyder Region.

Unfortunately, much of the historical data from our former page was lost.  As we accumulate more data on our new page, we will start displaying some stats for your reference.   However, in the meantime, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) is a good place to start to see historical data (mostly based on Clare).

For data more specific to our area, the Burra Community School (BCS) has records going back as far as 31st March, 2014 loaded on to their site profile on UK Met Office.  Visit for weather data sourced from BCS going back as far as 1961.The BOM also publishes BCS data from time to time.  The easiest way to find this is with a Google Search.

Visit our new weather page now.